1 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup margarine
1 cup margarine
1 cup boiling water
3/4 cup cornmeal
2 teaspoons white sugar
2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules
1/2 cup milk
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 egg, beaten
3 cups whole wheat flour
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. In a large bowl, combine rolled oats, margarine, and boiling water. Let stand 10 minutes. Grease cookie sheets.
2. Thoroughly stir in cornmeal, sugar, bouillon, milk, cheddar cheese, and egg. Mix in flour one cup at a time, until stiff dough has formed.
3. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface, mixing in additional flour as necessary until dough is smooth and no longer sticky. Roll out dough to 1/2" thickness. Cut with cookie cutter and place 1 inch apart onto the prepared cookie sheets.
4. Bake 35-45 minutes in preheated oven, until golden brown.
Atlanta Pet Scene
I have designed this site to help you find all the great places to experience in Atlanta as a pet owner. There are always pet friendly events that they can attend. I will try to feature a spot around Atlanta and give my opinion. Soon you will be able to guide your way through Atlanta with your four-legged friends by your side.
Parks and Recreation
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Tattoo for your pet
Recently I read an article from Dogster about a tattoo artist. The tattoo artist made headlines because they managed to give their dog a tattoo while he was under. The tattoo artist eventually lost his job and there was outrage across the US. What is really upsetting is that no one mentions that the Veterinarian actually gave the owner permission to conduct this procedure while the dog was under. This is completely disgusting to me. Why would you tattoo your pet? What is really surprising is that if you google Tattooed pets, you will see articles and images of cases such as these. Is this not animal cruelty or is it just me?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Recipe of the Month
As promised, I stated I was going to post the recipe I received in my Dog Treat Of The Month newsletter.
6 cups white rice flour
1/8 cup peanut oil
1/8 cup margarine -- safflower oil type
1 tbsp. brown sugar
4 ounces carob -- chips, melted
1 cup water
1/4 cup molasses
1/2 cup powdered milk
1. Mix the white rice flour, brown sugar and powdered milk in a large bowl until well blended.
2. Add remaining ingredients and mix until blended.
3. The dough will be stiff. Chill the dough in the fridge for at least an hour.
4. Roll the dough on a greased cookie pan and cut into shapes 1/2 inch thick.
5. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour.
6 cups white rice flour
1/8 cup peanut oil
1/8 cup margarine -- safflower oil type
1 tbsp. brown sugar
4 ounces carob -- chips, melted
1 cup water
1/4 cup molasses
1/2 cup powdered milk
1. Mix the white rice flour, brown sugar and powdered milk in a large bowl until well blended.
2. Add remaining ingredients and mix until blended.
3. The dough will be stiff. Chill the dough in the fridge for at least an hour.
4. Roll the dough on a greased cookie pan and cut into shapes 1/2 inch thick.
5. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Amazing Clubs from
Amazing Clubs from
Dog Treat Of The Month
I got an amazing gift for Christmas that will make my Roxy(Maltese) really happy. The gift was a subscription to the Dog Treat Of The Month Club. My first package arrived last week. It is always nice to find packages at your door. Even though you know they are arriving any second, it always feels like a surprise to see one at the door. The box was relatively small and had two types of dog treats inside. The brown bag was full of "BBQ Teddy Bears".
The other package was full of white Christmas tress that smelled like sugar cookies. I put them to the test right away. Roxy ran off with them like a bandit. She highly enjoyed all of the treats. The package came with a newsletter called "The Daily Bone". The article had a Recipe for a dog treat that I will post in another blog entry. The article also spoke about how studies have shown that children that read to dogs have better outcomes than kids that read to humans. I just want to point out that I didn't take a picture of the treats right away so there were more white tree cookies than appears.
Click on the link below to check out the details about the amazing club. There are several club types that you can join ranging from 3 months to 12 months.|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=amazing%20clubs&__utmv=-&__utmk=229528476
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Superbowl 2014 commercials involving animals
Every year the Superbowl has millions of people that tune in just for the anticipated commercials. They also air commercials that always involve animals. Here are links to the videos below:
Doritos Cowboy Kid Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial -- "Puppy Love"
Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial -- "A Hero's Welcome"
Chobani Bear Game Day Commercial
Audi 2014 Big Game Commercial - Doberhuahua
2014 Chevy Super Bowl Commercial - Romance
Doritos Time Machine - 2014 Super Bowl Commercial
Am I missing one? Which one was your favorite? I think mine was the Puppy Love commercial.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Homeopathic Remedies for your Pet
One of my favorite shows to watch on TV is Top Chef. On one of the episodes, a chef used Corn Silk in her dish. I thought this was interesting because I didn't even know you can eat that hairy stuff on corn. Would it not be stringy, tuff, and flavorless? So, as always, I took to Google to find out what else you can do with Corn Silk. To my surprise, I found out that you can use this as a pet remedy. According to The Nerdy Farm wife blog (, you can use this to treat urinary tract issues.
Corn Silk & Pets: Corn Silk can be used to treat many pets. (Yes, even cats – see HERE for info on naturally treating Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.) The tea made with fresh silk works best, especially if you are targeting the urinary tract, but a glycerite can be helpful too. (Suggested tea dose: about 1/4 cup of tea per 20 lbs of body weight, twice per day. Glycerite dose: 1/4 teaspoon per 20 lbs, twice per day.) Not recommended for pregnant animals. Check with a qualified vet for further guidance on your pet’s particular situation.
Below are some other recommendations that I have researched:
Fleas - Citrus
Rose Geranium - Repels ticks when put on the collar.
Chamomile - Spray on skin that is itchy or irritated. Tea works best.
Vitamin E - Dry skin
Oatmeal - Itchy skin
Pedialyte - Rehydrate a sick dog.
Yogurt - Stomach problems
Epsom Salt - Achy joints
Butter - Hairballs
Prunes - Stomach problems
Pumpkin - Stomach problems
What are some Homeopathic Remedies you recommend?
Corn Silk & Pets: Corn Silk can be used to treat many pets. (Yes, even cats – see HERE for info on naturally treating Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.) The tea made with fresh silk works best, especially if you are targeting the urinary tract, but a glycerite can be helpful too. (Suggested tea dose: about 1/4 cup of tea per 20 lbs of body weight, twice per day. Glycerite dose: 1/4 teaspoon per 20 lbs, twice per day.) Not recommended for pregnant animals. Check with a qualified vet for further guidance on your pet’s particular situation.
Below are some other recommendations that I have researched:
Fleas - Citrus
Rose Geranium - Repels ticks when put on the collar.
Chamomile - Spray on skin that is itchy or irritated. Tea works best.
Vitamin E - Dry skin
Oatmeal - Itchy skin
Pedialyte - Rehydrate a sick dog.
Yogurt - Stomach problems
Epsom Salt - Achy joints
Butter - Hairballs
Prunes - Stomach problems
Pumpkin - Stomach problems
What are some Homeopathic Remedies you recommend?
Saturday, January 4, 2014
T&C Pet Photography
Every year I try to make it out to the Atlanta Pet Expo. This year, I actually stopped by and signed up for a service. I usually don't sign up for the services be it a free nail cutting, free tooth brushing, etc. because it seems like you wait in line for a century. I noticed a small booth that had two people in front of me. This was good to know before I attempt to commit standing in line. The odds looked great so I did. I happen to be in a line for a photographer that will take pictures of your pet for free. I watched intently as the photographer worked her magic with each pet and she was very in-tune with the comfort of the pet. When the pet seemed anxious she would stop the shoot and tell the customer that their pet is done. When I got the email from the photographer I was really surprised how great the pictures turned out. I picked out my two favorite prints and asked to purchase the digitals. I received an invoice for 20.00 for two high resolution digital pictures. I paid through my pay pal account in seconds. Check out the pictures I chose below. If the pictures came out so great just taking them in a booth, I can't imagine what it would be like in the studio! I highly recommend checking them out!
T&C Pet Photography
Terrence and Connie Fore
Like us on FaceBook TCPETPHOTO
Monday, December 30, 2013
New Year's Resolutions for Pet Owners 2014
As you can tell I have neglected to write posts because I was busy completing my new years resolution for 2013. Now that I have completed this, I have more time to catch up on my Pet Owner obligations. Here are my top resolutions as a pet owner.
1. I will walk my dog more often. Okay, okay, I will walk my dog period.
2. I will brush my dog's teeth at least once a week. Hey, give me a break, I'm trying to be realistic here. Once a week is a big deal for me. :) Also, I did get her teeth professionally cleaned this year. So, maybe that should be another resolution. Getting my dog's teeth professionally cleaned every year.
3. I will not feed my dog table scraps. I am usually pretty good on this one since my dog has a sensitive stomach but I noticed the last time I weighed her in, she was a few pounds bigger. Back to saying "no".
4. I will organize my dog's shot records electronically. I hate that when I go to board my dog, I practically bring in a stack of records. If your anything like me, you are not using one vet.
5. I will brush my dog's hair twice a week. Darn those tangles!
6. I will teach my dog a new trick. Forget the old saying can't teach an old dog a new trick. Dog's need their minds stimulated no matter what age.
So far, these are my top pet owner resolutions. Hopefully you will find inspiration to use one of mine or make up your own. Feel free to share what it is.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Summer signs of Heat
Make sure you keep your pet in great care by protecting them from this summer Georgia heat!!
Theuncommondog.comTuesday, March 5, 2013
Recently I saw something come through my e-mail. The advertisement is for a monthly delivery service of dog goods. The name of the company is BarkBox. I have never seen this before for pets. I have seen this for beauty products but never for pets. This is how it works.
How it works
1. Choose dog size.
Tell us how big your dog's bark is. We've got goodies for every dog size.
2. Choose plan.
Monthly, 3-month or 6-month plans available. Cancel anytime. Free shipping.
3. Get BarkBox.
BarkBoxes are shipped on the 15th of each month. Get excited!
The cost will run you 18.00 a month. They also donate 10% of the proceeds to support a rescue group. I am contemplating on using this. Has anyone ever used their service? If so, please let me know if its worth it!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Therapy Dogs on GA Tech Campus
GA Tech had a great idea to help students de-stress for finals.
From GA Tech web-site:
Often the mention of dogs on campus can mean a certain rival university's coming to town, but this week it means there are four-legged friends on campus that have come to love on students.
The Georgia Tech Library and CAREing Paws, a local group of therapy teams, are helping students de-stress during dead week by bringing therapy dogs to the library. The dogs will be in the Neely Room Dec. 4–5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
"This is the first time I’ve smiled all week — well, all month really," said Christine Delacerna, a senior biomedical engineering major from New Jersey, who took a break from studying Tuesday to spend time with the dogs.
CAREing Paws uses nationally registered animal-owner/handler therapy teams who visit schools, libraries and other settings. Economics librarian Ameet Doshi reached out to the group in hopes of helping Tech students cope with the stress of dead week and final exams.
"Therapy dogs have become a trend among many libraries," Doshi said. "In the Atlanta area, Georgia Perimeter College has done it in the past and Emory is doing it this semester." Therapy dogs have also received media attention at schools such as Yale and Dalhousie universities.
Following the therapy dog visits, the Library will host StressBuzzters on Thursday, Dec. 6, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on 2West. Students will receive free snacks, bottled water, tips on reducing stress, stress balls and massages. The event is sponsored in collaboration with the Campus Recreation Center, Office of Health Promotion and the Counseling Center.
On a personal note: I have taken these pictures and it can not show the how happy these students were and the amount of students that showed up. This is a wonderful idea for all campuses. Great job GA Tech!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Atlanta Pet Expo

Don't forget to head up to the Atlanta Pet Expo! Free parking and admission, how can you beat that?! Not to mention some free swag! I hope to see you there!!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Halloween Pet Events
Glamour Paws Annual Howl-O-Ween Party
Friday, Oct 26 7:00p to 10:00p
atGlamour Paws,Atlanta,GA
Ghosts, Goblins and Witches Brew…but it wouldn't be a party without You! Jump on your broomsticks and bring your pets to Glamour Paws for our Annual Spooktacular Soiree. There will be costume contests with awesome prizes, live music, screamingly delightful drinks & hors d'oeuvres for you & your four legged friends, and more! read more
Paw Painting in Costume
Saturday, Oct 27 11:00a to 1:00p
atThe Indie-Pendent,Atlanta,GA
We are adding a little contest to this month's Paw Painting. Prize will be awarded for the best costume! Using non-toxic water based paint we will dip your pets paws and then allow them to walk on paper to create original art. There will be water provided to clean paws and towels to dry but bring any treats or toys that might help your little one paint.
Loews Atlanta’s Costumes on the “Woof”
Tuesday, Oct 30 7:00p to 9:00p
atLoews Atlanta Hotel,Atlanta,GA
Party with your pets this Halloween at the Loews Atlanta Hotel’s third annual Costumes on the “Woof” event! On Tuesday, October 30, from 7 to 9 p.m., Loews will open up the terrace for a pet costume contest, music mixed by DJ Joel Rabe of Lethal Rhythms, specialty cocktails and canine friendly cuisine.

East Atlanta Village
Eav - o -ween
There will be a Halloween Costume contest for Pets.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Atlanta Braves Bark in the Park
September 16, 8PM Sunday
Make sure you try to make your way to Braves Bark in the Park. I have attended these events and I always have a blast! Basically when you arrive you have to climb the steps all the way up to the top. There is a special section behind the outfield area at the very top for all of us dog owners. There are some vendors that set up tables with goodies. I even scored a free heartguard chewable block for free. Your dog can also enjoy the many baby pools that they have set up. It is overall a great time and I highly recommend checking it out!! If you wish to buy a jersey for you pet I have seen them recently at Petco (Caroline Street) and The Pet Set (midtown).
Make sure you try to make your way to Braves Bark in the Park. I have attended these events and I always have a blast! Basically when you arrive you have to climb the steps all the way up to the top. There is a special section behind the outfield area at the very top for all of us dog owners. There are some vendors that set up tables with goodies. I even scored a free heartguard chewable block for free. Your dog can also enjoy the many baby pools that they have set up. It is overall a great time and I highly recommend checking it out!! If you wish to buy a jersey for you pet I have seen them recently at Petco (Caroline Street) and The Pet Set (midtown).
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Paws and Planes!!
Paws and Planes Festival

Check out historic military and commercial airplanes. Live music, festival grub, kiddie activities and pet adoptions pack the day. Helicopter rides will be available for a fee. It benefits the Homeless Pets Foundation and the Marietta Museum of History — Aviation Wing. Friendly dogs on leashes are welcome.
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 8. $10; free ages 12 and younger. Marietta Museum of History — Aviation Wing, 550 Perrin Road, Marietta. 770-289-5008,

Check out historic military and commercial airplanes. Live music, festival grub, kiddie activities and pet adoptions pack the day. Helicopter rides will be available for a fee. It benefits the Homeless Pets Foundation and the Marietta Museum of History — Aviation Wing. Friendly dogs on leashes are welcome.
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 8. $10; free ages 12 and younger. Marietta Museum of History — Aviation Wing, 550 Perrin Road, Marietta. 770-289-5008,
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
More free vaccines!
- **FREE rabies vaccinations! FREE canine parvo/distemper vaccinations! FREE feline distemper vaccinations! FREE dog and cat food! Plus...are you ready? Vouchers for FREE spay/neuter!!**
ATTN: DeKalb County dog and cat owners! Come to "Healthy Pets DeKalb", presented by LifeLine Animal Project and Fix Georgia Pets on Sat., August 11th, 2012. Time: 9 am - 2 pm
Location: Shoal Creek II Park, 3643 Glenwood Rd., Decatur, GA, 30032.
...Free vaccinations, vouchers for free spay/neuter for pet owners whose pets have not yet been fixed, and much more available. Veterinarians will be administering vaccines. No pre-registration required. First come, first served. Bring your dogs on a leash and your cat in a carrier, please!See More
LifeLine Animal Project is proud that Community LifeLine, our community outreach initiative, is organizing and co-hosting this special event for pet owners and fur families in DeKalb County. We love our Atlanta neighborhoods and their pets!
Big thanks to Pet Buddies Food Pantry for their ongoing great work and supplying the free pet food. More details to come starting tomorrow! Stay tuned right here!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Barking Hound Village Lofts
Barking Hound Village Lofts
765 North Avenue NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
Atlanta, GA 30306
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Housing for small dogs |
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Big dog housing area |
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Grooming |
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Indoor play yard for big dogs. Note: small dogs do not have one. |
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Another option for housing |
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Outdoor Play yard for big dogs. |
Monday, May 14, 2012
Uptown Pups Store
Uptown Pups
264 19th St NW Unit 2115
Atlanta, GA 30363
Atlanta, GA 30363
Hi guys, sorry I have been MIA lately. I journeyed to Atlantic Station to check out the Old Navy. As I was walking out of the store I saw a small boutique. To my surprise, it was a dog store. Even though the store was not very big, I was impressed with the selection that they had. For all sports fans, we know how hard it is to find sport jerseys for our pets. The Uptown Pups has a big selection of jerseys. The only other place you can find jerseys is at Petco. Even with them, there is not a big selection.
If you need any gift ideas for that sports fan, you can get any of the products above and add a cookie. They also have a variety of cookies that made you wish you were a dog.

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