Anemia: Feeding your pet foods high in iron and B vitamins will help this problem. A serving of liver once a day is sufficient: 1 oz. for cats, 2 oz. for small dogs, 3 oz. for medium dogs, 4 oz. for large dogs.
Animals In Heat: Your pet's
affectionate (and sometimes annoying) actions are demands for attention, so give
them more than usual. The strong smell Vicks® VapoRub ointment may help keep roaming males away: rub a little in the
fur of the tail on females and above the nose on males. Keep the windows closed;
a male cat can smell a female in heat a mile away, while a dog's range is about
three miles. Get your pet spayed/neutered.
Arthritis: For overweight pets,
losing weight will help lighten the load on those achy joints. A 20 minute walk
several times a day can reduce the progression of arthritis. If it's cold
outside, let them sleep inside. Make sure they are provided with soft bedding to
reduce discomfort. Moist heat applied for 20 minutes twice a day can be a great
Asthma: Keep pets with asthma free
of excess weight; overweight animals have a harder time breathing. Use a
humidifier; dry air irritates the airway. If you, the owner, smokes, stop! Keep
them indoors during pollen season. For cats, use a dust-free kitty
Bad Breath: A foul odor coming from
your pet's mouth is a sign of plaque. Prevent this by brushing your pets teeth,
feeding them a raw turkey neck or raw carrots; don't feed them canned food or
table scraps, and get them a rope to play with. Your vet can also thoroughly
clean your pet's teeth.
Broken Bones: Immobilize your pet
while holding him still and place him on a board, car floor mat, or a folded
blanket. Do not attempt to bandage or splint broken limbs as you can cause more
damage. Take your pet to the vet
Car Safety: Veterinarians recommend that pets should be kept in a securable cat or dog crate
while being transported by car.
Car Sickness: Most animals travel
best on an empty stomach, so pick up their food 6-8 hours before travel.
However, some pets prefer to have a small amount of food in their stomachs. See
what works best for your animal. Other ways to reduce sickness includes letting
them sit in the front seat, allowing them to look out the windows, and cracking
the windows to allow fresh air to flow inside the vehicle.
Cat in a Tree: Cats will more than
likely come down on their own. Leave them alone to make their way down. Give
them an entire day to do so. Tempt them with their favorite strong-smelling
food. If the cat is injured, wearing a leash that could choke them, or hasn't
come down in a day, you need to climb up and get them, whether up the tree
itself, or with a ladder. Grab them by the skin on the back of the neck and make
your first attempt at reaching them a good one - they may flee further up the
tree. The Human Society may be able to assist you if you are not able to reach
the cat yourself.
Choking: Open your pet's mouth to
see if you can visualize the object and remove it. If you are unsuccessful,
take your pet to the vet
immediately. If your pet is not breathing and you can't find
what's obstructing the air passage, try the Heimlich maneuver: Hold your pet
against you and clasp your hand around his upper abdomen OR place your pet on
their side, on the floor and put one of your hands on top of the other so that
the bottom hand is just below the rib cage. Push or lift upward to dislodge the
Diarrhea: Ensure your pet is
drinking enough fluids. In addition to their water bowl, a bowl of
Gatorade® will further help. Stop
feeding for 24 hours from the onset of the diarrhea. When your pet is ready to
eat again, try 2 parts cooked white rice mixed with 1 part boiled hamburger or
skinless white meat chicken, feeding small amounts every 4 hours for 2 days.
Slowly introduce their regular food back into the diet. If the diarrhea doesn't
subside, seek the advise of your
veterinarian. It may be caused by intestinal parasites or
something more serious.
Ear Mites: You can temporarily treat
the ear mites by soaking a cotton ball with mineral oil and swabbing the ear
canal. Then, seek the assistance of your
veterinarian for treatment with Ivermectin.
Fever: Normal temperatures of cats
and dogs ranges from 100.5 and 102.5 degrees. Sooth away the heat with a cool
compress on their belly or a 10 minute cool bath. Ensure they are drinking
enough water. Consult your vet, as fever can mean serious illness and/or infection.
Flatulence: Exercise helps move gas
out of the system, so take them for a walk. Stop feeding table scraps and dairy
foods and ensure they aren't getting into the trash. Check the soy content of
your pet's food; high soy content causes gas. Many yogurts contain
digestion-friendly bacteria that can help decrease flatulence. Give 1/4 tsp.
plain yogurt to cats and small dogs, 1 tsp. to dogs 15-20 pounds, and 1 Tbls. to
large dogs. Raise their food dish to eliminate air digested while
Fleas: Though a preventative such as
Advantage® , Frontline® , Revolution®, or K9 Advantix® is the best way
to treat and prevent fleas, a diet including Brewer's Yeast and garlic prove to
keep them away, as well. Flea collars, powders, and dips only work temporarily;
don't consider them for long-term use or you'll find the fleas
Getting Out Mats: Wet fur is more
difficult to unmat, so keep them dry. Starting at the ends of the hairs and
working inward, divide the mat in half with your fingers. Then divide the halves
into quarters, the quarters into eighths and so on until all the clumps are
gone. A light sprinkling of cornstarch makes stubborn mats easier to pull apart.
For a particularly tough mat, clip the mat in half with scissors.
Hairballs: First try a commercial
hairball lubricant or a tsp. of petroleum jelly. Sometimes, high-fiber diets
accelerate the passage of hairballs. Keep fleas under control to reduce licking.
Brush your cat often, then follow with wiping the coat with a moist towel to
pick up any loose hairs.
Hot Spots: Dissolve 2 adult aspirins
in 1 Tbls. rubbing alcohol. Steep 1 tea bag in 1 cup warm water; discard tea
bag. Stir together aspirin mixture and tea; allow to cool. Shave hair around hot
spot. Blot prepared mixture over spot with a cotton ball. Follow with
over-the-counter cortisone spray or crème. Repeat as necessary.
Insect Bites and Stings: Remove
stingers, if present. Dab a mixture of baking soda and water on the spot to help
reduce discomfort. Milk of Magnesia and meat tenderizer works in the same way,
as well.
Itchy Skin from Allergies: Give your
pet a 10 minute cool bath to relieve itching. For further soothing, you may also
add colloidal oatmeal (Aveeno®) to the
bathwater. For dogs with itchy feet, fill the tub with enough cool water to
cover their feet, dissolve a couple cups of Epsom salts in the water, and soak
the dog's feet for 5-10 minutes. Be careful not to let them drink the
Kitty Litter: To keep cat litter
fresh smelling, mix baby powder in with the litter.
Poisoning: Call your vet immediately and have on
hand the substance your pet ingested. If your pet has gotten into pills,
antifreeze, or other toxic substances (but not caustic substances) getting him
to vomit will help eliminate some of the danger. If your pet has
ingested something alkaline, such as cleaner or kerosene, don't induce vomiting.
Give him about 3 tsp. vinegar or lemon juice diluted in an equal amount of
water. If your pet has ingested something acid, maybe from chewing on a battery,
give Milk of Magnesia, 1 tsp. per 5 Lbs. of pet.
Puppy Diarrhea/Dogs with Soft Stool:
Plain canned pumpkin works well for puppies with diarrhea and adult dogs with
soft stool. A few spoonfuls in their food will often stop it right away. The
pumpkins adds fiber to the diet, therefore firming up the stools. It often works
more completely and more quickly than Kaopectate® if your pet isn't ill from something
Reduce Anal Sac Problems: Stop
feeding your pet table scraps. The fatty foods soften the stool, making the
fluid more likely to build up.
Removing Burrs: Remove burrs in your
pet's coat as soon as possible. Allowing their fur to get wet makes it worse, so
keep them dry. Most burrs can be removed with your fingers or tweezers. For the
more difficult ones, soak the area in vegetable oil to help slide them
Seizures: Dogs don't swallow their
tongues, so don't put your hand in their mouth. Move furniture out of the way
and try to keep the area as dark as possible. Gentle talking and stroking may
help to shorten the length of the seizure. If the seizure lasts more than 10
minutes, take your pet to the vet
immediately. If this is the first time your pet is having a
seizure, take him to the vet for assessment.
Severe Bleeding: Place gauze over
the wound and apply direct pressure using your hands for 5 minutes, recheck, and
continue applying pressure until bleeding stops or you've reached the vet. Do
not use a tourniquet, as they are dangerous. Cold packs over oozing wounds can
help reduce swelling and bleeding. Take your
pet to the vet immediately.
Skunk Spray: If your pet's eyes are
watering, use an eye wash to flush out any irritating spray. Shampoo with a
mixture of 1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 1 Tbls. liquid
dish soap. Follow with a washing of regular pet shampoo.
Stop Bleeding from a Nail Trim: When
you've cut a nail too short, stop the bleeding by pressing the nail in styptic
powder or flour, then tap the powder in.
Urinary Infections: The common human
remedy of cranberry, orange, and other citrus juices also work for pets in
boosting the acidity of the urine and decreasing the amount of bacteria. A
chewable vitamin C tablet a day will reduce the acidity to prevent further

Vomiting: Stop feeding your pet for
24 hours, only providing water. Afterwards, slowly introduce mild foods back
into the diet over a 3 day time period, to include boiled hamburger, boiled
chicken, cooked rice, and/or cottage cheese. If the vomiting continues after the
first 24 hours or if there is bloating, consult your veterinarian immediately.
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